Thursday, July 19, 2012

Highlights of the 5th meeting of the National Anomaly Committee.

   5th meeting of the National Anomaly Committee was held on 17th July under the chairmanship of  Secretary, DoP&T.

   At the outset Com. Umraomal Purohit, Secretary, Staff Side, National Council(JCM), raised the following points:-

   He explained the background of setting-up of JCM Scheme and emphasized that the scheme has been effective to resolve the disputes between the Central Government employees and Government of India. But of late, the scheme is not been administered properly causing frustration among the Central Government employees.

   He reminded the Secretary, DoP&T that since he is the custodian of the scheme, it would be appropriate for him to see that the scheme functions both at the National and Departmental levels in its letter and spirit. 

   He said that the meeting of the Ordinary Meeting of the National Council, JCM(full-fledged meeting) was held on 15.05.2010 and after that no meeting has been held. He mentioned that, as per JCM Constitution, minimum 3 meetings should be organized after every 4 months.

   He further said that, earlier 4/5 Sub-Committees have been formed to deal with the items in the agenda, but nowadays Sub-Committees are also not being formed.

   He also said that in many departments, Departmental Council has not yet been formed on some plea or the other, and where Departmental Councils are yet to form, the Anomaly Committee is totally absent.

   He also stated that, wherever Departmental Council and Anomaly Committee have been formed, they have not been allowed to take independent decision and they are to depend on everything on Ministry of Finance or DoP&T.

   He said that we are crossing six years of the VI CPC report and shortly there is likely demand of setting-up of Seventh Central Pay Commission. Unfortunately, anomalies of the VI CPC are yet to be settled.

   He said that separate discussion should be held in respect of MACP Scheme matters, and the date for the same should be fixed very shortly.

   Reciprocating, the Secretary DoP&T advised all the departments to send their status position in respect of formation of Departmental Council, expansion and formation of Departmental Anomaly Committee.

   He also demanded that the pending issues should be settled early and meeting of the National Council(JCM) should be convened after Monsoon Session of the Parliament.

    He also said that separate meeting for deciding MACP Scheme should be fixed within this month. 
   General Secretary AIRF, Com. Shiva Gopal Mishra, stated that the unanimous recommendations made by the Railways’ Departmental Anomalies Committee  are not being implemented because  these  have  not been cleared by the DoP&T and MoF(Exp.). He demanded de-centralization and delegation of powers to the ministries for smooth and quick decisions. He also mentioned that where already fundamental rule exists, like fixation under FR-22(C), why MoF(Exp.) insists for reference to them. It should be done by the ministries themselves.

   3.  General Secretary AIRF, Com. Shiva Gopal Mishra, Working President AIRF, Com. Rakhal Das Gupta and Asstt. General Secretary AIRF, Com. Ch. Sankara Rao raised the issue of granting promotional benefits to Loco Pilots under Rule FR-22(C) and they also expressed dissatisfaction over the functioning of NC/JCM. The matter of resolving problems of MACP Scheme was also raised by the AIRF representatives.

   The Official Side stated the matter of granting one increment on promotion is under active consideration of the Government of India and decision in this regard would be taken shortly.

   Then the Agenda Item was taken-up.

Items No.1,2,3 & 4 - Fixation of pay in revised pay scale

   Despite lots of deliberations, Official Side did not agree to revise the Pay Band of GP Rs.9300-34800, and ultimately disagreement has been recorded.

Item No.5(ii), (iv)(with 32 & 33), (v)(vii) - Rule 8 of the revised pay rules

Fixation of pay on promotion

   It was agreed that, wherever there is provision of direct recruitment in the recruitment rules, pay on promotion would be fixed to minimum of the Entry Pay as provided for in the revised rules, irrespective of the fact whether direct recruitment has actually taken place or not.

Item No.12 & 13 - Transport Allowance

   Earlier Overtime Allowance was admissible on City Compensatory Allowance(CCA) also. The VI CPC has sum the CCA with Transport Allowance. Official Side agreed to consider the provision of Transport Allowance to be paid for the purpose of OTA. It was also agreed to consider something for the residents of NCR, i.e. Ghaziabad, Faridabad and Gurgaon on the line of CCA.

Item No.14 - Revision of existing allowances which are to be withdrawn and replaced by new schemes

   The Official Side has informed that the matter doubling of rates of Risk Allowance and Patient Care Allowance is being sent to the Cabinet for approval.

Item No.16 & 17 – Parity in Pension

   The matter is sub-judiced.

Item No.25, 25 & 26 – Commutation of Pension

   It was decided that the calculation of commutation factor for the employees retired prior to and after 1.9.2008 would be tabulated to discuss the matter further.

Item No.29 & 30 – Revision of Base Index for D.A.

   Calculation of DA would be sent to the Staff Side shortly.

Item No.36 – Income criteria in respect of parents and widowed/divorced/unmarried daughters

   The matter is under examination.

Item No.38 & 39 – Anomaly in fixing grade pay

   The matter is under examination.

Item No.41 – Fixation of pay on promotion to a post carrying the same grade pay 
   The matter of granting one increment on promotion is under active consideration of the government.

Item No.44 – Anomaly in the pay scale/pay band and grade pay of Library Information Assistants

   The matter will be considered after collecting date from the Ministry of Culture, being Nodal Ministry.

Item No.45 – Anomaly in pension of those in receipt of stagnation increments in pre-revised pay scale

   The matter is under examination.

Item No.46 – Disparity in pay scales and status: Officers in Stenographers Cadre

   The matter is under examination.

Item No.48 – 15 year period fixed for restoration of commuted portion of pension arbitrary and unjustified

   Not agreed.

Item No.49 – Anomalies in the matter of pay scales of Stenographers

   The matter is under examination.

Item No.50 – Anomalies in the pay scales of Official Language Staff.

   The matter is under examination.

   Items relating to MACP Scheme would be discussed in a separate meeting on 27th July.

   It was also agreed that the leftover items, not included in the agenda, will be discussed.

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