Thursday, June 21, 2012

Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme for the Central Government Civilian Employees — Clarification.

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)
Establishment (D)

North Block, New Delhi
Dated: l3th June, 2012.


Subject: Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme for the Central Government Civilian Employees — Clarification regarding grant of benefits of MACPS to officers who have later on inducted into Organized Group A Services.

   In terms of clarification given on point of doubt no. 2 of Annexure of this Department’s O.M. dated 09.09.2010, no benefits under the MACPS would be applicable to Group A officers of Organised Group A Services, as the officer under organized Group ‘A’ Services have already been allowed parity of two years on non-functional basis with the officers of the Indian Administrative Service (IAS). In this regard, this Department is in receipt of a number of references from various Departments in respect of officers who are deprived of the benefits of MACPS due to their induction into the organised Group A Services at a later stage of their service.

   2. The issue has been considered by this Department in consultation with Department of Expenditure. It has been decided to allow grant of financial up-gradations under MACPS with effect from the due date to those officers who are inducted to the Organized Group ‘A’ Services when they are nearing retirement subject to the condition that only at the time of retirement an evaluation of up-gradations/promotions earned by the officer would be made. In case such officers have already attained three financial up gradations under MACP Scheme, they shall not be entitled for NFU to the same grade from a later date.

   3. Hindi version will follow.

(Mukta Goel)
Director (Estt.I)


1 comment:

  1. Dear Sir,
    I had joined as then Senior Observer now Scientific Assistant in India Meteorological Department on the basis of direct recruitment in the pay scale of 1320-2040 on 27.08.1986(F/N). Before that I was working in Uttar Pradesh state government in the State medical and health department as Computer in the pay scale 1400-2300 from 19.12.1981 to 26.08.1986(A/N). Before joining in the present department I was relieved not resigned to take up new post on the basis of NOC. In my present department my past service was counted and pay protection is given to me with service counting for pensioner benefit.
    In December, 2005, I was given IInd ACP on completion of 24 years of service (Counting the length of service from 19.12.1981; counting the service rendered in the state government too.)
    Now from 19.12.1981 I have completed 30 years of service on 19.12.2011, but my office is denying to give me benefit of 3rd MACP, by saying that your service will be counted from the date of appointment in the Department i.e. 27.08.1986, past state government service will not be counted for ACP/MACP purpose and also recovering the payment paid due to ACP given on 19.12.2005. I do not know what is it correct? Kindly clarify and give me suitable guide line as it leads me to the frustration. I have promoted in the department by the competition examination, now my juniors are getting Grade pay 5400 while I have given 4800. Please respond.
    With regards
    M M Saklani



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